Pepper -- Sweet Potato Pizza with Mandarins, Charred Poblano and Cheddar
  • 1 large poblano pepper
  1. Place the poblano pepper on the grate of a gas oven or any open flame and turn until the whole pepper’s skin turns black.
  2. When the whole pepper is charred, place into a lidded bowl, paper bag or any lidded lexan to steam.
  3. Let steam until cool.
  4. Run your hand along the pepper, rubbing the charred skin off. (You may do this under a drizzle of water, but you will lose a lot of flavor.)
  5. Cut the stem off and split down the side. Deseed the pepper and lay flat on a cutting board.
  6. Cut lengthwise strips ⅛- to 1/16-inch wide and reserve for topping.
Recipe by Pizza Today at