Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza STARTER
  • 100 G water
  • 100 G Baking Flour (50 g white bakers’ flour, 50 g rye flour)
  1. Mix the flour and water in a bowl and cover with cheese cloth, a kitchen towel to keep from crusting over. This mix will have the consistency of thick pancake batter.
  2. For 2-3 days keep watch as the yeast starts to feed.
  3. Bubbles and a small “lift” will occur. When this happens, it is time to start feeding.
  4. Discard 50 g of the starter and put it in a new bowl then add 100 g water and 100 g flour and mix again to the remaining 50 g starter. Stir again and cover at room temperature.
  5. Continue to feed the starter (using the above recipe) at the same time each day after a few days. The smell will change from sour to sweet like yogurt. In a few days to a week the rise and fall will be predictable.
  6. A few days before baking, start feeding the starter twice a day to increase fermentation. Now it is time to make the leaven that will rise the final mix dough.
Recipe by Pizza Today at