Happy Holidays! Are you loving the the On Deck column in Pizza Today with Chris Decker? Chris is managing partner at Metro Pizza in Las Vegas. He’s one of the brightest minds in the business and we all drool over his @Everythingbutanchovies Instagram. This week, we’re replaying a favorite episode where we talk recipe column, pizza creativity, anchovies (of course), pizza pairing tips and what’s next for Chris.
132. REPLAY: On Deck with Chris Decker
132. REPLAY: On Deck with Chris Decker
The Hot Slice
The Hot Slice brings you inspiring stories, strategies and lessons learned from successful pizzeria professionals and top experts. This podcast is hosted by the team at Pizza Today, the premier network for pizzeria professionals. Catch new episodes every Thursday with real, in-depth conversations with pizzeria owners, champion pizza makers, industry pros and others to help make your business better. To watch videos of the latest podcasts, go to the https://www.youtube.com/user/PizzaTodayMagazine