Cured Short Ribs
Author: John Gutekanst
Recipe type: Appetizer
- 2 to 3 whole short rib racks
- ¼ cup of salt
- ¼ cup of sugar
- Any spices you want to add
- Rub two to three whole short rib racks with a quarter cup of salt and sugar.
- Add any spices you may want (such as fennel or cumin seed) in a large lexan overnight. I like to also add a sprinkle of hot pepper flakes.
- In the morning, rinse the ribs, dry them and place the uncut racks in a 450 F oven for 45 minutes.
- Then turn the oven off and keep inside for another 30 minutes.
- Remove, check for doneness and refrigerate.
- When cool, cut and strip each rib of all the meat with the back of the knife by rubbing down each rib.
- Pull any small bone from the ribs.
- Place rib bones in a 450 F oven and remove just before a golden brown.
- Refrigerate.
- Cut the rib meat in to ¼- to ½-inch chunks like pulled pork.