A Better Pizza Crumb Structure: The Guts

Crumb structure: the beauty and science of internal pizza workings “Topping combos are cool with a crisp and golden booty, but when you undress a pizza, it’s what’s inside that is the secret to success. That light, airy wall of crumb structure ...

The Rise of Italian Pizza in Teglia is Upon Us

What is Pizza in Teglia? Steely Pan: A Look at the Authentic Italian Pan Pizza My first encounter with Pizza in Teglia, or Italian Pan Pizza, occurred in 2006. I competed in the Pizza in Teglia, or Pan Pizza Category, at the World Pizza Competitions ...

Knead to Know: Making Pizza with Sourdough — Beauty and the Yeast

Art and Science of Making Pizza with Sourdough “The future of dough lies in its past. Sourdough is back and its here to stay for two reasons: more complex flavor and better digestibility. Its a twofer thats hard to beat!” Peter Reinhart, James Be...

What you Need to Know About Dough Pre-ferments

When you enter through the back of most small independent pizzerias, one of the first things you see is flour. Stacks of it. The brilliant irony of entering the dragon through the back is that this is the place where your pizza is born. That flour is...

Knead to Know: The Art of Focaccia

A guide to the versatile Italian Flat Bread Focaccia Oh, focaccia! How I love thee. Focaccia holds a lot of meaning for me. In the last two years, focaccia has been the one thing that has taught me the most. It has been the one item that I have gone ...

Knead to Know: The Tenets of Detroit-style Pizza, Part II

Get a Detroit-style Pizza Dough Formula Recipe There is no one way to make a great Detroit style pizza. Even the original pizzerias in Detroit cannot decide on whose version is the “right way” of doing it. Pizza is so personal that everyone is go...

Knead to Know: The Tenets of Detroit Style Pizza

A two-part series on the Motor City Style Detroit, Michigan. Have you ever been there? If you were to ask 100 pizza makers from across the country, I would bet maybe half have ever actually been to Detroit, and yet the very distinctive pan pizza that...

Knead to Know: Pizza Dough Testing 1-2-3

Documenting and controlling variables is vital to batch testing your pizza dough Practice makes perfect. As someone who has taken part in sports and pizza competitions for many years, this is a phrase that I have heard very often. In the beginning th...

Knead to Know: Digestibility of Pizza

How do your customers feel after eating your pizza? Have you ever gone out to eat with the intention of going out afterwards for a night on the town but ended up sluggish and uncomfortable because of the food you ate? I have and it has ruined my nigh...

Pizza Dough Room Temperature or Refrigerated Fermentation, Which is Better?

Knead to Know: Warm-ups/Cool Downs For those that know me, pizza is life but sports are LIFE. I started playing various sports as a kid and have continued an active lifestyle into adulthood. I mean, you have to with all the pizza! The first thing coa...

Knead to Know: Laura Meyer shares her key takeaways from experiencing pizza in Italy

Italian Lessons La bella Italia. Traveling can be one the best and biggest eye-opening experiences we as pizza makers can have. Growing up I thought I knew what pizza was. Going to Italy changed everything. It’s not that the pizza we make in the U....

Knead to Know: Laura Meyer has the real skinny on whole grain pizza dough

The Whole Truth Today’s society is obsessed with diet culture and trying to find the healthiest option for everything. Walking into the bread department of any grocery store is one of the most confusing and frustrating decisions of any grocery trip...
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