Editor in Chief Jeremy White’s Commentary on May 2024 Bar Issue
While I understand there are sometimes limitations (a slice shop that survives off lunchtime foot traffic in an area that clears out after 5 p.m., for example), I’m a believer that, for the most part, the best pizzeria experiences come with a bar element. There’s something about pizza and beer, or Italian food and wine, that is difficult to beat.
Having said that, running a bar component is hard. Even if the product sells itself. Staffing, training, inventory that seems to easily disappear, the worry of an employee serving an underage patron … there’s a lot to it.

Jeremy White, Editor in Chief, Pizza Today Magazine
In this issue of Pizza Today, we touch upon training your staff to operate a bar within your pizza shop. We talk cocktails. We talk bar equipment. It’s a good start if you’re thinking of adding a bar to your pizzeria.
After you read those articles, be sure to catch up on what you missed if you weren’t able to attend the 40th Anniversary of Pizza Expo this spring. We had the Las Vegas Convention Center buzzing!
Speaking of spring, we’ve been springing into action pretty heavily on PizzaToday.com with lots of new content that you won’t find here in the print edition. Be sure to bookmark PizzaToday.com and visit regularly and often to stay up to date on the latest.
And now that we’ve mentioned the latest, have you heard of PizzaCon yet? It’s a one-day exclusive and experiential event we’re hosting in Philadelphia on November 7th at The Fillmore. Naturally, it is designed for pizzeria owners that are serious about growing their businesses. With curated programming and educational activations, it’s going to be nothing like your typical “tradeshow.” Visit PizzaCon.com to learn more. Excited to see you there!
Jeremy White
Editor In Chief
[email protected]