Jeremy White
Pizza Today
[email protected]
October, November and December are typically supremely busy months in the pizza industry. October is National Pizza Month, and Halloween is one of the industry’s major sales days. As are the days before Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve and, immediately into January, New Year’s Day.
While much uncertainty regarding the pandemic looms, what we do know is that the pizza industry’s resilience has been a bright beacon during 2020. To put it simply, in the face of great adversity, pizza is winning.
You’ll see that when you digest the information we present in our 2020 COVID Report. Executive Editor Denise Greer worked tirelessly on this project. She coordinated surveys, spoke with pizzeria owners, crunched the numbers and then worked with our talented design team to give you a compelling package. It shows what we already knew — this industry is amazing at adapting on the fly and rising to the challenge. I don’t want to spoil it for you by feeding you morsels of it here — flip to it and dive in for yourself!
We’re still not finished hearing from you, either, about the challenges you face daily and the insight you need from us to continue powering through. So even if you missed the survey deadline and didn’t get your stories about operating during a pandemic in to us in time for this issue, there are still countless ways we can use that engaging content moving forward. So keep reaching out to us and telling us about your experiences operating a pizzeria in 2020. My e-mail can be found at the bottom of this page, and Denise can be reached at [email protected].
Lastly, we’re working on a very exciting project that will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in Pizza Expo-style demonstrations and educational sessions 24/7/365 from the comfort of your computer. You’ll even be able to check out the latest goods from key industry suppliers, all in one spot. It’s pretty cool, and it’s coming soon. But that’s all I’m going to say about that for now as well. We can’t wait for you to see what we’re cooking up!
Jeremy white
Editor In Chief
[email protected]