If you were at Pizza Expo at the end of March, you may have heard Mike Bausch’s seminar titled “I’m a Winner!” In it, he discussed ways to get awards for your pizzeria, with integrity. He then went on to detail how doing so can help your bottom line. Let’s face it — everyone loves a winner.
If you took the message from that seminar to heart, then Pizza Today’s PIE Awards program is for you. The good news? It’s not too late to enter. Registration for the awards is open until May 18th. Even better news? There are a variety of available categories, meaning there’s an entry option that fits just about everyone.
If you’re proud of your business and think you are doing innovative things, then enter the Pizza Industry Excellence (PIE) Awards and show off what you’ve got going for you! Go to the PIE Awards.
Speaking of the seminar program at Pizza Expo this past March … the feedback on the lineup and topics was overwhelmingly positive! The rooms were standing room only and the energy was through the roof in most sessions. We’ll be hard at work planning Pizza Expo 2024 sooner than you may realize, so if you have ideas for presentations you’d like to see next year in Vegas drop me a line and let me know what’s on your mind.
Thanks to everyone who attended the 2023 Pizza Expo. It was a record-breaker! Now let’s get to work on making the 2024 installment even better.
Jeremy White
[email protected]