Here are some tips for setting up your own frequent-diner program:
• Train your employees about the importance of your frequent diner program. Offer incentives to employees who sign up the most customers. Also train them to remind the customer to present any type of loyalty card during the transaction to ensure customers remember.
• Gather demographics information. Gather the gender of the client, as well as the approximate ages.
• If your company has more than one location, you have the option of making the rewards program chainwide, and thus increasing brand loyalty, or allowing your stores to individualize their loyalty programs according to their needs. The problem with the latter, however, is consistency –– if your customers don’t know their projects rewards, they’re less likely to use the program in general.
• Consider using free product (such as buy five pizzas and your fifth is free!). It’s cheaper, you’ve already got it on-hand and you’re not taking money out of your pocket.