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Pizza Tweets
The NY Slice Truck
Delivery to Downtown & Eastside
Call 721-8434
2 toppings 20” Pizza Wings
Cheesy Garlic Bread w/Marinara
ONLY $27.99 #FDIC2013
Why it works: This tweet caught our eye because it read vertically instead of horizontally. It also got a lot of information into their 140, and this is a savvy whole-meal promotion.
Ledo Pizza
Make sure to try our NEW Skinny Avocado & Chopped Chicken Salad (Under 500 Calories) #ledopizza
Why it works: Swimsuit season is rapidly approaching, and those who are cutting calories might not consider pizza a healthy option. Ledo lets its customers know that it has better options, announces that the salad is new and included an Instagram photo. Perfect timing for this smart Tweet!
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Publisher Pete Lachapelle and VP Bill Oakley attended the 22° Campionato Mondiale Della Pizza show in Parma, Italy.
Pizza Today Publisher Pete Lachapelle on a pizza:
Thanks to Wilhelm Rodriguez of Papa’s Pizza in San Juan, Puerto Rico!
Facebook Pizza Feeds
Pizzeria Biga
Spend some time with us! 2pm-5pm, 50% off all pizza & pasta. Happy Hour 2pm-6pm, 50% Off all draft beer & pour wines. All offers are dine-in only.
Why it works: Pizzeria Biga used this Facebook post to appeal to a diverse crowd. Hit the restaurant early and save, which is great for penny-pinchers, and the company’s Happy Hour targets the after work crowd. Making it dine-in only increases sales, as many folks will add on drinks and a tip. Way to update that status!
Ernie’s Bar & Pizza
Don’t miss your chance today to eat out at one of your favorite restaurants while supporting a great cause! 25% of today’s food sales will be donated to Project Angel Heart to help their amazing organization!
Why it works: Any time you’re participating in local fundraising efforts –– be it a ball team night or funding for a national organization –– you’re putting yourself out there in the community. Advertising it on your social media is quick, effective and lets customers know you care.