Jeremy White
Pizza Today
[email protected]
As the Delta variant surges and infection rates increase throughout the country, it has become painfully clear that COVID is not over. The light at the end of the tunnel remains visible thanks to the vaccine, but we’re still not living as freely as we did in September of 2019.
We need look no further than the pizza capital of the United States for hard evidence of this. Beginning this month (September 13), a new mandate in New York City will require employees and customers alike to show proof of vaccination in order to work in or patronize an indoor business. This affects not only movie theaters, other entertainment venues or gyms, of course, but squarely impacts restaurants as well. It’s a move New York City’s Mayor, Bill de Blasio, says will help vaccinated individuals enjoy all his great city has to offer and hopefully stave off another potential shutdown.
While we may be weary of the pandemic and the restrictions it has brought about, I think we can all agree another extended quarantine is not optimal. With that in mind, when thinking about the lasting impact of COVID on your pizzeria, what changes (if any) do you foresee making this fall and winter in order to conduct business and thrive? Are you bringing back any procedures you let lapse when infection rates were lower? Or do you feel like the precautions you implemented initially and have kept up are sufficient? What are your concerns as we head into winter and what steps are you taking to address them?
I’d love to hear what ongoing pain points you’re seeing in your pizza business and how you plan to move forward as we attempt to deal with new information and mandates. Drop me a line at the e-mail address on this page and let me know the steps you’re taking to continue tackling COVID. We just may feature your story on an upcoming Hot Slice podcast!
Jeremy white
Editor In Chief
[email protected]