Trade, Association and Business Publications International (TABPI) just released the results of their 2019 TABBIE Awards competition … and I’m beyond excited and proud to tell our beloved readers that the very publication you hold in your hands right now was the most-awarded trade magazine in the world yet again!

Jeremy White
Pizza Today
[email protected]
That’s right — Pizza Today won more awards than any other trade and business publication anywhere.
Only five magazines won four or more awards. PT weighed in with nine! That’s a record number, by the way. We were fortunate enough to be awarded in the best feature design, best opening page or spread, best feature article, departments (twice), editor’s letter/commentary (aw, shucks…), best B2B Web site, best e-newsletter and best use of social media categories.
For the fifth consecutive year we won the Gold for Best Use of Social Media, in fact. We push our social outlets hard and keep them fresh. Asserting our dominance there has been a clear objective of mine for a very long time.
I’d like to give a huge shout out to Executive Editor Denise Greer, Creative Director Josh Keown and columnist Scott Wiener, all of whom helped bring home these honors. I’m exceptionally proud of this magazine’s small staff; it always manages to do big things.
I want to thank our readers for the trust and confidence you put in us here at Pizza Today, as well as your continued support of International Pizza Expo and Pizza & Pasta Northeast. We are a three-pronged attack that work in harmony to help you run your businesses more efficiently and, ultimately, more profitably.
Speaking of the tradeshows, PPNE in Atlantic City is next month. If you haven’t already registered to attend, it’s not too late. At these tradeshows, Pizza Today essentially comes to life right before your eyes. They are packed with content and information that can help your business to the nth degree. Don’t miss out. If you have the opportunity to get to Atlantic City, please be sure to say hello to the crew!
Jeremy White
Editor in Chief