New Dates: June 22-24, 2021 at the Las Vegas Convention Center
In light of the continuing impact surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including current government restrictions and limitations on large gatherings and travel restrictions, the International Pizza Expo team has made the decision to postpone the show to allow additional time for both attendees and exhibitors to effectively plan their participation during these challenging times. Originally scheduled to take place March 16-18, 2021, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the new dates are Tuesday, June 22 through Thursday, June 24, 2021, in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to come together with thousands of pizzeria operators from across the U.S. and the world. Now more than ever you need to understand the current wants and needs of all your customers, whether they’re Millennials, seniors or somewhere in between. Pizza Expo is your best opportunity to discover what’s new, what’s working and what’s trending. You’ll be able to obtain new knowledge, insights and ideas that will help you position your pizzeria for the future.
Pizza Expo continues to be your one-stop shop for everything you need for your pizzeria, including the newest products, equipment and technology hitting the market. Throw in an education program and demonstration program second to none and you have a game-changing experience. Our education program will include more than 70 business-boosting seminars, demonstrations, workshops and networking events. We’re adding several new industry experts and successful pizzeria owners to our speaker lineup who are eager to share ideas and address the new hot-button issues facing restaurant owners and operators. Where else, but Pizza Expo, could you find more than 550 pizzeria-focused exhibitors on a show floor larger than eight football fields? Nowhere!
On the show floor or in the classrooms, you’ll find real solutions and opportunities to bring home to your business. Knowledge is king! Talk to as many industry experts and industry thought leaders as you can. Pick their brains to find out what they are thinking, doing and expecting to happen as a result of the pandemic. This is your once-a-year opportunity to meet face-to-face with industry suppliers and take advantage of discount pricing and show specials.
There will always be winners and losers, but only those who arm themselves with industry knowledge and are willing to take action toward positive change will have the ability to compete and win. The bottom line is this: In today’s marketplace you need access to all of the latest trends, strategies and product innovations. Pizza Expo is your solution!
It’s all pizza and it’s all for YOU!
BILL OAKLEY is the Group Show Director for International Pizza Expo and Pizza & Pasta Northeast