Indy of the year Instagram takeover
Stop by @pizzatoday on Instagram to see some exclusive pics of Jeremy and Josh’s visit to the 2014 Indy of the Year, Pizzeria Lola in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
June Cover Featured on popular design site
The June cover of Pizza Today has caught the attention of the magazine design world. The cover was featured on, a site dedicated to front-cover creativity from magazines all over the world.
Coming in September
Brian Weavel, owner of Anna’s Pizza & Pasta in Winnageo, Illinois takes over Pizza Today.
Social Media August Poll
What type of liquor license does your restaurant have?
A: Beer & wine only 36%
B: Full bar license 32%
C: BYOB: 0%
D: None — I don’t have one 24%
E: None — I’m in a dry area 8%
Pizzeria Tweets and Status Updates
Dante Pizzeria
Mozzarella is a little yellowish and will be through the summer because we use ultra fresh Branched Oak Farm – Organic Dairy and Cheese mozzarella and the cattle are eating green grass caused by the chlorophyll. When the cattle go back to hay it will be more of a creamy color –– a little science for you from your friends at Dante!
Why it works: Wow, what a great post! Here, Dante lets its customers know why its pizza might look a little different from the norm, but at the same time emphasizing the freshness and localness of its product. Perfect!
Anthony’s Coal Fired
@AnthonysCFPizzaPompano-@funkybuddhabrew & Anthony’s are hosting a #CraftBeer dinner tasting, 6/23. Interested? RT this tweet- Winner chosen at random at 5.
Why it works: Here’s another great partnership. Not only do beer and pizza make a great team, but a pizzeria and a local brewery pairing up is solid gold. Giving away a visit is a great way to get retweets, and since most people don’t dine alone, they’re sure to bring a paying friend or two.