Last month, in our annual “Event in Print” issue, Big Dave Ostrander floated ideas pizzeria operators could use to promote National Pizza Month. Not only is October National Pizza Month, but it also ends with one of our industry’s five most important sales days — Halloween.
For me, Halloween has always been a special day. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of dressing up as a vampire or football player and trick-or-treating. When I take my two boys trick-or-treating, I think I have as much fun as they do.
Considering Halloween means big-time pizza sales, I’m guessing you feel the same way about the holiday. Which is why I hope you took Big Dave’s September article to heart and have implemented some of his suggestions. There’s no reason National Pizza Month can’t be your biggest sales month of the year if you take the right steps. So, if you missed Big Dave’s article from our September issue, go to and read it in our digital archives. It will help you make sure every October is a great one.
Speaking of, we have big plans for it in the works. We are in the middle of a massive overhaul of the Web site. You may recall us totally revamping it about two years ago, and that move has served both us and our readers well. But now it’s time to build upon that foundation and continue evolving the site. We’re going to provide more organic editorial content on than ever before.
Simultaneously, we are also working on a redesign of the magazine. It’s been a few years since we’ve updated our look, so it’s time to push the envelope a bit. I’m excited about what our designers are putting together, and I can’t wait until you see the new layout beginning in January. My sincere hope is that it helps you improve your business more than ever.
While we’re on the subject of self-improvement, one of the keys to any business — whether it focuses on publishing or foodservice — is to constantly progress and never rest on your laurels. As the old cliché goes, the only constant in life is change.
Ask yourself right now, “When was the last time I made a change for the better in my pizzeria?” If it’s been a while, get started now — before your competition steals away your customers.
Jeremy White, editor-in-chief