Q: I know you can save a lot of money buying in bulk, like pallets of sauce. But then you’re tying up inventory dollars that can be used for...
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Jeffrey Freehof
Jeffrey Freehof's Recent Articles
2010 June: Ask Chef Jeff
Q: We just bought a dough sheeter, which makes stretching so much faster now, but we are getting bubbles in our pizza. How do we eliminate this...
2010 March: All In
You’ve probably heard a lot about how good for you whole grains can be. It’s been touted for its health benefits. They are being incorporated into...
Alarm or Surveillance
Honestly, an alarm system with monitoring is fairly inexpensive and gives you great piece of mind. A real must! Surveillance systems have a wide...
Puchasing Used Equipment
Have you ever purchased used equipment? Was your experience positive or negative? Yes, I’ve purchased used equipment. There are times...
Food Booths
Have you ever participated in local festivals by setting up a food booth? Is it worth the trouble and expense? Do you actually make a profit, or is...
Corporate Accounts
Any ideas on how I can drum up more corporate lunch business? Corporate accounts can be very lucrative, as long as you keep their business by...
Changing Open Hours
I am thinking of trimming my operating hours for the summer because sales seem to slow down. I’ll increase them again in the fall. Does this...
Turning Tables
Have you ever participated in local festivals by setting up a food booth? Is it worth the trouble and expense? Do you actually make a profit, or is...