Why is it that some operators never seem to leave the kitchen, are afraid to take a vacation and consider overtime a way of life? Why is it that...
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Scott Anthony
Scott Anthony's Recent Articles
2009 March: Recession Buster
‘Tis the season to be frugal? Consumers are finding their disposable cash at an all time low. The reality of a recession has hit home. Consumers now...
2009 May: Marketing Matters
Editor’s Note: Scott Anthony is guest-writing this month’s "Marketing Matters" column. Free publicity? Nothing is free these days — or is it? I know...
2009 March: Control is Crucial
Climbing commodities, fewer diners, eroding economy: does it spell "d-o-o-m" for your pizzeria? Not if you take control of your crucial costs —...
2010 November: Marketing Matters
What is the next level for you? Boosting sales, opening another location, franchising? Each has his own mission; each must take critical steps to...
2010 December: Marketing Matters
"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." — George Washington Carver What did I do in...
2010 October: Marketing Matters
A community is a group of interacting humans sharing an environment. In communities, a number of conditions may be present and common, thus...
2010 August: Marketing Matters
When I walk into a restaurant, I look for it. When I check out the competition I grab it. What is it, you ask? It’s your menu! Unfortunately, many...
2010 July: Marketing Matters
"Jack of all trades, master of none" is a figure of speech used in reference to a generalist — a person that is competent, but not outstanding. Is...