Tom Iannarino owns and operates Terita’s Pizza in the Northland area of Columbus, Ohio. Iannarino’s father, Gus, founded the restaurant in 1959, two...
Author Profile
Scott Wiener
Scott Wiener's Recent Articles
2009 June: Marketing Matters
Muscles produce force. Muscles create motion. Muscles incinerate fat. And therein lies a paradox. Most attempts at weight loss involve dieting...
2009 June: Bing in the Green
If you’ve overlooked your restaurant’s outdoor decorating, now’s a great time to dig into exterior design. Experts say landscaping around your...
2009 July: Marketing Matters
You still standing? Congratulations. It’s been pretty tough lately, to say the least. The good news? If you’ve made it this far, you stand a good...
2009 June: Creating Consistency
In order for their staff to stand out, operators should consider what their staff is wearing. Are the employees easy to spot? Are their shirts clean...
2009 June: Did You Know?
The restaurant industry employs 13 million people in the United States. According to Technomic 77 percent of consumers eat pizza more than once per...
2009 July: Simple Ideas
Grape Expectations Many operators make the mistake of overpricing their wine list. When this happens, greater sales are sacrificed. The aim of most...
2009 June: Stage Act
I In these increasingly competitive times, standing out has become more important than ever. Offering top-notch food and service is the first step,...
2009 July: Five Questions
Matthew Ptasienski owns and operates Windy City Pizzeria in Louisville, Kentucky. Located in an ailing part of the River City, about halfway between...